Me again back to my blog with sizzling topic if we have ever concern about.Our Education system....
Sticking with post heading I wanna first explain a little bit about knowledge and wisdom.Knowledge is just knowing something doesn't matter from where and what.But other side Wisdom is something that gets us use that knowledge prudently for our predefine agendas. Indian education system is no doubt a superb education system which churns out a lot of geeks periodically.But in spite of these there are still some deficiencies in that. Well this doesn't show my attitude towards deficiencies of education system only it's belongs to the person who is having that.We'll discuss in this post.
first of all let me point out some points about ancient Indian teaching culture. Earlier it was customary to give some knowledge to student and check their wisdom skills for the reason that they can live their life happily.In today's system these are the basic drawbacks which we generally face.I am very much wrong if I say these are the drawbacks of our system.Because if this system doesn't present the success of lots of Indians in MNC's across the globe will be halted.
[caption id="attachment_124" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Wisdom"]
I will say this type of education system as a Knowledge based education system through out the post.Knowledge based system is essential for everybody because obviously everybody needs some raw material to fire his jet of ambitions.Directly approaching to the topic Wisdom needs a sound platform of Knowledge.Thus it's a fool some approach to just deny this system.But still this system requires some work to make it better for future.What is that and why?
I would like to initiate the need of practical education parallel to theoretical knowledge with the drastic example of BHOPAL GAS TRAGEDY.The workers couldn't save their life where few of them can.
What actually happened there? It was a leakage of METHYL ISOCYANATE gas.What the workers can do if they had some practical knowledge is they can lay down on the ground and put a wet cloth over their mouth. But since they don't aware about this they have to die. The entire age of an average human being spends in earning knowledge but do not get time to earn wisdom for practical work.
As I have discussed earlier that is this only the system completely faulty? If we are hearty pure? We have to think about something in this regard.In all this stuff somewhere we also performs a unique roll for ourself.We can chose our way as we wish. We are not bound by anyone.So why we only blame this system of education only.Whatever the the deficiencies Indian Education System has it's still emerging from these deficiencies.National Knowledge Commission's agenda 'EXPANSION WITHOUT DILUTION' is burning example of this.
One more point I personally feels that our education system should has that it should be completely free and open to all.Everyone can put their ideas and discuss openly with everyone.We can take an example of MIT university's open course ware which is accessed by lots of people openly.This idea simply leads practical knowledge as well as theoretical.
Thus working together and with target we can make our Education System better. :)
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