A last post at the last hour of the last day of the year. it feels really amazing doing things at the last moment. It most of the time thrills a lot, blood in veins run as if blood corporals are racing each other, 'a feel'.
Through out the year hundreds of good, bad or worst things happen, but at last day forgetting all those bad memories we just wish the upcoming year to be best. We repeats most of the things we had done last year at the same moment. We take resolution, we wish our dear-ones, we start things with a new zeal but we forget we had done the same things last year, but I think that's the most interesting behaviour which shows we are social animals. We can't leave to be social anyhow.
Well that is something random clicked in my mind about humans, now it's time for me.
It's very difficult to summarise even in brief how was your departing year, and really even I don't want to do it too, but still there are some confession,some cheerful and some morose moments I experienced through the year I'd like to share with you.
Life is all about ambition and a student is full of the virtue in my point of view. The ambition to do something at my own, the ambition to stand along not alone. Same in my case, days passed and itch increased fortunately found someone to go along and build something.
Yeah I do confess it was my mistake taking my ambition with light hands and unfortunately it remained unknown.
Learnings : New things to learn, a lesson, how to work and lots more.
Life never ends at you only. You have some relations, without talking about them, you are incomplete. Yeah I was fail at first attempt but some of my nice friends were really doing great. Crossing milestone going ahead.
Again I do confess it was not a ill feel but a strong fire like situation from inside, why not me ?
Learning : You make your destiny at your own. World never wait for you and neither you should.
Found really great things to be learnt, sometime amazing feeling with work, telling about yourself and of-course listening about others. One most important thing I would like to mention is the changes I feel inside me with respect to past year. I stated interpreting things in reality, I start analysing the facts, I start feeling the things, about which I was unaware previously. But still this 'I' is not complete, a great hard work is still waiting for me.
Some true, some false, some bit, some bite, sometimes '1' another time '0' that's life only. We always tries to make it true, always to be '1'.
Now summing up this post, as a social animal, being an ordinary person I wish you a very Happy New Year. May God grant your reasonable wishes :P
Cheers !!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Didn't know to don't know
Life is all about you can never predict the next moment. You are just made to say "I just didn't know it will happen to me." We think about future in present and about past in future. Somewhere this is worth doing so otherwise it's really hard survive in this world. From the very first day we learn to stand on our feet or I should rather say we learn how to speak or write, we are said to tell about our future plans.
I remember one instance of my childhood when I was asked the same question by my school teacher. perhaps that time I even didn't know what actually she meant by 'future', but as I said till that time I knew how to speak so anyhow I managed to answer her question and told her my next weekend plans. she just passed me a smile. I too. :)
It actually happens lots of time with us too. We generally tend to ask our younger relatives the same question, sometime we surprise them asking this sort of question and mostly they, answering us about their 'future plans'. Really rightly said future is unpredictable.
Childhood is all about inventions. We do some sorts of inventions and when we find a sophisticate working on the same principle we made by paper or other household thing we reach to the apex where we feel us from another universe and here we start weaving our future.
This never changes by the age what change is the method of working. This time first we investigate then invent so that we can save our time. But it's not thumb rule when you work for finding loop holes. One most common phrase 'Oh I didn't know it exist' changes to 'I don't know whether it will exist or not'. But I don't think there is any problem with both the phrases because both the phrases are made after work and that's commendable. It's a beautiful journey we enjoyed working on our ideas, our thoughts learned by our mistakes by others mistake. What matters is your work, your efforts that will certainly pay you.
I am still enjoying this journey, tasting the sea food at each island I am crossing.
Hope I'll see the land soon. :)
Cheers !!
I remember one instance of my childhood when I was asked the same question by my school teacher. perhaps that time I even didn't know what actually she meant by 'future', but as I said till that time I knew how to speak so anyhow I managed to answer her question and told her my next weekend plans. she just passed me a smile. I too. :)
It actually happens lots of time with us too. We generally tend to ask our younger relatives the same question, sometime we surprise them asking this sort of question and mostly they, answering us about their 'future plans'. Really rightly said future is unpredictable.
Childhood is all about inventions. We do some sorts of inventions and when we find a sophisticate working on the same principle we made by paper or other household thing we reach to the apex where we feel us from another universe and here we start weaving our future.
This never changes by the age what change is the method of working. This time first we investigate then invent so that we can save our time. But it's not thumb rule when you work for finding loop holes. One most common phrase 'Oh I didn't know it exist' changes to 'I don't know whether it will exist or not'. But I don't think there is any problem with both the phrases because both the phrases are made after work and that's commendable. It's a beautiful journey we enjoyed working on our ideas, our thoughts learned by our mistakes by others mistake. What matters is your work, your efforts that will certainly pay you.
I am still enjoying this journey, tasting the sea food at each island I am crossing.
Hope I'll see the land soon. :)
Cheers !!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
What do you expect from 3G ?
3G ...
One of the big 'G' in technology world, the upcoming storm with lots of potentialities, expectation, simply a churn out of imagination. 3G is well known from a long time overseas but a new born in India. Number of telecom giants which are struggling from a long time going to carve a niche for themselves in upcoming days. BSNL due to a government telecom company was enjoying the pulp till now but now it's time to prove it among different players in an open playground.
Fortunately Tata Docomo is the first private player going to launch its services very shortly and it'd be a nice experience for me having a most popular technology in my hands. But as I talked about the expectation, these expectations differs person to person. I read many of articles talking about 3G technology and its features but my expectations are bit differ again. May be completely :)
First of all I expect and hope a nice launching of the technology with some really attractive offers and plans and I think it'll be.
Now what these plans and offers can be according to me -
I don't want to have a yet another Rs. 125 at Rs. 125 plan, why don't we grow ? Why not you say, you purchase our services we'll serve you with our platinum services, again I never mean some sort of monetary help or any fake promise by platinum services. Why don't you promise to share your knowledge bites with willing persons ?
Video conferencing feature of 3G technology is the most attracting feature for telecoms. I say why you Rs. 25, Rs. 50 rebate on specific plans or even a good amount after snatching even a good amount. Why don't you offer them to save money and to meet their loving ones face to face with that money ?
Again for premium customers you have better chance to show your gratitude towards them.
A fast internet service, instant and reliable connections only at a cost of some silly bucks ? I never admit it.
Why don't you try to collaborate some really worthy minds work for the beneficiary of yours ? Why a geek should be treated as a silly ass ? Why not treat them with their own workspace on internet with the same plan you offer them to put some really silly amount again in their pocket.
Most of the time an ordinary person spends his/her time surfing social networking sites, surfing free images, mostly without any purpose just to kill their time. Why don't you be a purple cow among the cows grazing hay on the ground. Why don't you try to make some really good initiatives in spite of making people blind with silly offers like "buy one get two free".
School children always refuse to use mobile phone specially internet enabled or if they are allowed, only with a great care of porn free surfing. Why don't you take a stance to replicate in another form of mind set which offer school children to use your product ?
It's always said that 3G has a really telecom potential, the capabilities to formate the world in a new glassware. So why do we still stuck with the old customary, why don't we have something new which force us buy a real worth.
I am not an expert, but what I think these are the real things we often miss even we have a solid business plan in our hand just because we never try to do something new at our own risk. We just tend to follow or remedies what other have done before.
These are some points I expect from upcoming 3G technology not merely a service like others. Lots of more ideas floating around but time and tenure both needs when you want to explain something. :)
So that's it for now. Wish a healthy launch of 3G technology in India on the festival of Diwali.
What you expect from 3G now, just think and just shout here.
Finally wish you all a very happy and prosperous Diwali.
Have fun !!
Cheers :)
One of the big 'G' in technology world, the upcoming storm with lots of potentialities, expectation, simply a churn out of imagination. 3G is well known from a long time overseas but a new born in India. Number of telecom giants which are struggling from a long time going to carve a niche for themselves in upcoming days. BSNL due to a government telecom company was enjoying the pulp till now but now it's time to prove it among different players in an open playground.
Fortunately Tata Docomo is the first private player going to launch its services very shortly and it'd be a nice experience for me having a most popular technology in my hands. But as I talked about the expectation, these expectations differs person to person. I read many of articles talking about 3G technology and its features but my expectations are bit differ again. May be completely :)
First of all I expect and hope a nice launching of the technology with some really attractive offers and plans and I think it'll be.
Now what these plans and offers can be according to me -
I don't want to have a yet another Rs. 125 at Rs. 125 plan, why don't we grow ? Why not you say, you purchase our services we'll serve you with our platinum services, again I never mean some sort of monetary help or any fake promise by platinum services. Why don't you promise to share your knowledge bites with willing persons ?
Video conferencing feature of 3G technology is the most attracting feature for telecoms. I say why you Rs. 25, Rs. 50 rebate on specific plans or even a good amount after snatching even a good amount. Why don't you offer them to save money and to meet their loving ones face to face with that money ?
Again for premium customers you have better chance to show your gratitude towards them.
A fast internet service, instant and reliable connections only at a cost of some silly bucks ? I never admit it.
Why don't you try to collaborate some really worthy minds work for the beneficiary of yours ? Why a geek should be treated as a silly ass ? Why not treat them with their own workspace on internet with the same plan you offer them to put some really silly amount again in their pocket.
Most of the time an ordinary person spends his/her time surfing social networking sites, surfing free images, mostly without any purpose just to kill their time. Why don't you be a purple cow among the cows grazing hay on the ground. Why don't you try to make some really good initiatives in spite of making people blind with silly offers like "buy one get two free".
School children always refuse to use mobile phone specially internet enabled or if they are allowed, only with a great care of porn free surfing. Why don't you take a stance to replicate in another form of mind set which offer school children to use your product ?
It's always said that 3G has a really telecom potential, the capabilities to formate the world in a new glassware. So why do we still stuck with the old customary, why don't we have something new which force us buy a real worth.
I am not an expert, but what I think these are the real things we often miss even we have a solid business plan in our hand just because we never try to do something new at our own risk. We just tend to follow or remedies what other have done before.
These are some points I expect from upcoming 3G technology not merely a service like others. Lots of more ideas floating around but time and tenure both needs when you want to explain something. :)
So that's it for now. Wish a healthy launch of 3G technology in India on the festival of Diwali.
What you expect from 3G now, just think and just shout here.
Finally wish you all a very happy and prosperous Diwali.
Have fun !!
Cheers :)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Do you have problems ?
It's so long wrote here, but yeah I am here to write something just popped up in my mind. Do you have problem ? 0_o
Ohh.. no no I am not asking you, it's just a question my teacher friends, my teachers, my colleague used to ask me. Yeah it really funny but it's true. But why did they do so ? I asked them too, and the reply was "you ask a lot of questions" and I asked is there anything wrong in this ? What if I ask questions ? Actually asking questions doesn't always implies you are big dumbo, but that you can not always know each and everything. Problem is not you are asking a lot of questions, problem is that you are not being answered appropriately. And yeah here that's the problem.
Problem never comes alone. Problem is generated by questions which is generated by an idea. The idea which is not being discussed yet, the idea which is not being excecuted yet. So the questions are obvious. But ideas get excecuted only when you have power to question. But to whom ? To yourself, to your surroundings ...
I have six men which do it for me (yeah it's really tough job for single :D) These are What, Why, When, Where, How and Who. Really hardworking team which only works for you 24x7. If I have any idea I just consult with them and they churn out the idea. Churning out idea is not only the job, analysing the problem is on the basis of questions is the main job. If you can analysis the problem accurately you are done. And that's the step where most of tumble down even me. Analysing the problem in both positive and negative way can help you to judge the problem at a very extent.
I give you an example,
What if the man do not know how to type in Hindi, is this a big crime ?
and so on.
Surely I am not the first person facing these type of questions. May be the person is the first one who developed google transliteration service. A service which just demands from you the ability to type. Translation is purely handled by the service. See again it's a problem that generated a question, which further genearated an Idea and it leaded a nice service.
That was a very trivial problem, but solution only incured when someone had questioned to someone else about it and thoughts flowed. We see several of these types of instances daily but never pay atttention to these issues or I should say never question about these.
So moral of the story is simple that
"We question not because we don't know about the fact, but we want the thoughts to flow and ideas to collaborate for humainity."
So I again ask you , Do you have any problem ? Lets discuss ! :)
Cheers !
Ohh.. no no I am not asking you, it's just a question my teacher friends, my teachers, my colleague used to ask me. Yeah it really funny but it's true. But why did they do so ? I asked them too, and the reply was "you ask a lot of questions" and I asked is there anything wrong in this ? What if I ask questions ? Actually asking questions doesn't always implies you are big dumbo, but that you can not always know each and everything. Problem is not you are asking a lot of questions, problem is that you are not being answered appropriately. And yeah here that's the problem.
Problem never comes alone. Problem is generated by questions which is generated by an idea. The idea which is not being discussed yet, the idea which is not being excecuted yet. So the questions are obvious. But ideas get excecuted only when you have power to question. But to whom ? To yourself, to your surroundings ...
I have six men which do it for me (yeah it's really tough job for single :D) These are What, Why, When, Where, How and Who. Really hardworking team which only works for you 24x7. If I have any idea I just consult with them and they churn out the idea. Churning out idea is not only the job, analysing the problem is on the basis of questions is the main job. If you can analysis the problem accurately you are done. And that's the step where most of tumble down even me. Analysing the problem in both positive and negative way can help you to judge the problem at a very extent.
I give you an example,
one day I went to a xerox shop for some papers to get xeroxed. I saw a man sitting there at shop and dictating a Hindi written document in his hand to the typist, who can type in Hindi very conveniently. As a get my document xeroxed I saw the man was done with the document typed in Hindi and was handing the typist a not of Rs. 50. The document was hardly of two pages. I met the man outside the xerox shop and asked how can you pay Rs. 50 for just one page of document typing. The man glared at me as if I have asked him about his asset. He replied so what should I do. I don't know how to type in Hindi, so I get it typed and according to shop tariff it cost Rs. 50. I remained silent. Not because I hadn't any reply what he said, but I it was a normal problem, which generated an unanswered question for me.Why the man do not know how to type in Hindi ?
What if the man do not know how to type in Hindi, is this a big crime ?
and so on.
Surely I am not the first person facing these type of questions. May be the person is the first one who developed google transliteration service. A service which just demands from you the ability to type. Translation is purely handled by the service. See again it's a problem that generated a question, which further genearated an Idea and it leaded a nice service.
That was a very trivial problem, but solution only incured when someone had questioned to someone else about it and thoughts flowed. We see several of these types of instances daily but never pay atttention to these issues or I should say never question about these.
So moral of the story is simple that
"We question not because we don't know about the fact, but we want the thoughts to flow and ideas to collaborate for humainity."
So I again ask you , Do you have any problem ? Lets discuss ! :)
Cheers !
Thursday, June 3, 2010
A Letter to Rain
3 June,2010 Nikhil Bansal,
In the cloud, Bikaner , Rajasthan
Troposphere. 334001,
Respected Rain ,
Myself Nikhil Bansal from India. I am a student from Bikaner (Rajasthan). You might familiar with the place. This is a personal letter to inform you that it's been very long time you have visited our state. Last year you visited our state like a true Indian leader. But this year hasn't yet. Although your colleague as DUST , SANDSTORM , HEAT , HUMIDITY etc. have already been marked their presence and still present continuously, but as you know we human need each and everything in proper proportion , it's access in quantity now.
Sun appears as stopped revolving. When we wake up it's there and remains shining till late. It's not we don't like shining but it gives many more things along with light which causing people die here. It's not human beings are only suffering but animals also in the same state. Since they can't write so they want me to write for them. You know about "pigeon" , the bird only drinks your water , yes it's also suffering because it's now enough long it had drank water.
We are proud to be called agriculture based economy in the world. But it's really sad when we came across the news that about 1500 farmers committed mass suicide just because last year you didn't poured you water for them. We know that in west of the Aravalli range, the climate is characterised by low rainfall but there is difference between 'LOW' and 'NO'. We know you are angry with human behaviour of wasting water everyday and wants to teach a lesson but in my humble opinion it's enough now.
Dear rain we have some facts which may help you to take decision if you should visit Rajasthan or not. here these are -
1. It's time for a pre Monsoon now.
2. Currently are under forest of Rajasthan total area is 9.53% and according to Rajasthan forestation policies its productivity will be increased massively.
3. To set-up Rain water harvesting system in houses is compulsory.
4. People became more aware and enthusiastic about plantation.
5. Dense forest has improved in last 10 years.
6. North- East India occupies 25 percent of India’s forest cover.
So these are a few facts you will be happy to hear and wish you will visit Rajasthan this year for sure. One more thing I would like to tell you that our Rajasthan is a very nice and colourful place. that's why we call it "Rangilo Rajasthan" also and you will certainly enjoy your trip here.
Concluding my latter I would like to say this is the time of vacation for children , time of examination for college students and time of plantation of corps for farmers so please do come in time and make our life better than now.
In hope for a good rain this year,
Yours sincerely,
Nikhil Bansal
Monday, May 10, 2010
Right to education or Dance ...
Hello Friends ...
The post is something about the leading future of our country for which ambitious outlook of Government of India passed a bill Called "RIGHT TO EDUCATION" but lots of reality shows proving it as to be Right to Dance. Take a look how ...
Right now television the most famous source of entertainment and information after internet in India. This television at present full of reality shows that seems to be interested in making children dance. Does this worth any how? We have hardly much longer time that we our education ministry passed the Right to Education (RTE) bill and our kids moving to these reality shows. This is certainly out of my approach why do the parents of these kids doing this harming their academics.
I do agree these are also the important parts of development of a child but not more than their intellectual knowledge. When I see these shows it seems me like cheating these kids. Think how a kid will feel when he/she has prepared with utmost dedication for this competition and not get selected just because someone else has performed with a little bit cuteness or performed some steps which made judges euphoric.
I simply mean to say, are these kids who I don't think even able to understand the meaning of this title which they might get one day from these shows , can understand why they get refused. I am just talking practically, I don't mean anything will they take any lesson from this or not but at this instant they will certainly going to demoralized.
I feel so bad about these show also because no one of these trying to understand the children mentality but just following a hardcore line. Reality shows like Dance India Dance l'il masters, Chak Dhoom Dhoom which having so experienced jury are just repeating the tradition , just because of TRP ? well God knows , but I think this is not the right way to find out the current talent of country.
There are lots of reality shows for kids as Bournvita Quiz Contest, Spell Bee which also tries to find out the talent but in decent manner not sitting in front and laughing on children expression vigorously.
I am not talking about the core talent which seriously deserves these kind of reality shows to expose their talent but we all know the number is really less in comparison to others who just dance so that they will get a chance to appear on silver screen. If talk about the village children who don't have enough money just to register theirself to these shows , what will be our argument supporting these shows?
Their are lots of such children who remains behind the curtain even if they have abilities. I simply means to say inspite of spending piles of bucks on advertising or opting highly experienced jury to raise their channel TRP can the channel owner not organise such a show which really worth. We the audience don't feel like waste of time.
Our group is doing such a nice work this time. Being a member of Linux User Group it's my responsibility to get my audience aware what our group doing. We at present working under OLPC project. Under this project our team members teaching village students operating laptops freely. Since this laptop is specially designed for children specially village children , student getting interest learning it. This is really nice for OLPC organisation , a non profit U.S. based organisation who is creating educational opportunity for poor children and really proud to be a part of its activities.
We have different types of children between us. Everyone has his/her own capabilities. It would be nice if we understand these capabilities in spite of making them understand our capabilities. I wish for a bright future of these kids. After all "Padhega India Tabhi To Badhega India". ;)
Cheers !!
The post is something about the leading future of our country for which ambitious outlook of Government of India passed a bill Called "RIGHT TO EDUCATION" but lots of reality shows proving it as to be Right to Dance. Take a look how ...
Right now television the most famous source of entertainment and information after internet in India. This television at present full of reality shows that seems to be interested in making children dance. Does this worth any how? We have hardly much longer time that we our education ministry passed the Right to Education (RTE) bill and our kids moving to these reality shows. This is certainly out of my approach why do the parents of these kids doing this harming their academics.
I do agree these are also the important parts of development of a child but not more than their intellectual knowledge. When I see these shows it seems me like cheating these kids. Think how a kid will feel when he/she has prepared with utmost dedication for this competition and not get selected just because someone else has performed with a little bit cuteness or performed some steps which made judges euphoric.
I simply mean to say, are these kids who I don't think even able to understand the meaning of this title which they might get one day from these shows , can understand why they get refused. I am just talking practically, I don't mean anything will they take any lesson from this or not but at this instant they will certainly going to demoralized.
I feel so bad about these show also because no one of these trying to understand the children mentality but just following a hardcore line. Reality shows like Dance India Dance l'il masters, Chak Dhoom Dhoom which having so experienced jury are just repeating the tradition , just because of TRP ? well God knows , but I think this is not the right way to find out the current talent of country.
There are lots of reality shows for kids as Bournvita Quiz Contest, Spell Bee which also tries to find out the talent but in decent manner not sitting in front and laughing on children expression vigorously.
I am not talking about the core talent which seriously deserves these kind of reality shows to expose their talent but we all know the number is really less in comparison to others who just dance so that they will get a chance to appear on silver screen. If talk about the village children who don't have enough money just to register theirself to these shows , what will be our argument supporting these shows?
Their are lots of such children who remains behind the curtain even if they have abilities. I simply means to say inspite of spending piles of bucks on advertising or opting highly experienced jury to raise their channel TRP can the channel owner not organise such a show which really worth. We the audience don't feel like waste of time.
Our group is doing such a nice work this time. Being a member of Linux User Group it's my responsibility to get my audience aware what our group doing. We at present working under OLPC project. Under this project our team members teaching village students operating laptops freely. Since this laptop is specially designed for children specially village children , student getting interest learning it. This is really nice for OLPC organisation , a non profit U.S. based organisation who is creating educational opportunity for poor children and really proud to be a part of its activities.
We have different types of children between us. Everyone has his/her own capabilities. It would be nice if we understand these capabilities in spite of making them understand our capabilities. I wish for a bright future of these kids. After all "Padhega India Tabhi To Badhega India". ;)
Cheers !!
reality shows,
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
A week under free flamboyancy
Hi friends..
I am embarrass writing this post after so long time but due to some hectic schedules I didn't get time to share my feelings with you.
But now as I got some time I am here to share something nice with you. :)
This is something about what I love a lot. This is about a time period that thought me a lot of things. I am talking about our college Linux Users Group "LUGB". A group with which I am working since December 2009. Recently LUGB organised a complete week for spreading FOSS culture and to aware people what actually FOSS is.
That was really as awesome experience for me. Working with FOSS and making students aware what they actually losing without it. LUGB is at present an active community for everybody who loves FOSS and who wants to learn about FOSS.
Recently LUGB is working to get people familiar with FOSS side by side spreading it to every corner of our region.
A nice strength of students gathered for the talk and as I said It's the place where FOSS culture is flourishing faster than any other place, proved us. Feedback by students were awesome and many of them were die heart impressed by FOSS. But as we have planned for a week we had 5 more days to go.
So the next day it was the day called "Drupaldum". We simply want to make our talks interesting so we choose the topics which a normal student might be interested in. And here comes an idea about web designings and Drupal seemed to be a best example how we can work collaboratively. A complete talk about Drupal installation and workings was given and made students familiar about the web.
This was about two days working of the group. Different people from group arranged very nice and interactive talks under LUGB. The week covered each and every aspect about FOSS from software development to Hardware interfacing. Into Hardware section my colleagues make student aware about arduino , beaglebot etc.
So thus complete week was full of fun and freedom. Lugb is recently working with Mr. Shyam Sunder Jiyani the man who claimed his name twice into Limca Book of world Records for planting more then 2 lakh plants in a sort interval of time.
At last , It was a nice week for me to work for LUGB as well as FOSS. Me myself completely in love with FOSS and working with Drupal from last eight months.
So that was all about my last week which I called A week under free flamboyancy.
cheers !!
I am embarrass writing this post after so long time but due to some hectic schedules I didn't get time to share my feelings with you.
But now as I got some time I am here to share something nice with you. :)
This is something about what I love a lot. This is about a time period that thought me a lot of things. I am talking about our college Linux Users Group "LUGB". A group with which I am working since December 2009. Recently LUGB organised a complete week for spreading FOSS culture and to aware people what actually FOSS is.
That was really as awesome experience for me. Working with FOSS and making students aware what they actually losing without it. LUGB is at present an active community for everybody who loves FOSS and who wants to learn about FOSS.
Recently LUGB is working to get people familiar with FOSS side by side spreading it to every corner of our region.
So we called the week as LUGB Week. The week started on last monday and we started from our college Engineering College Bikaner where fortunately FOSS culture flourishing faster than any other place.So we aimed the week to get our juniors aware about FOSS who thinks Computer == Windows. So primarily we maintain a team who is eligible to bust all these sorts of myths they had in their mind. So enough reason why we named our first talk as "Myth Buster".
That was fully interaction based talk where our team members busted all the myths they had about FOSS and Linux.A nice strength of students gathered for the talk and as I said It's the place where FOSS culture is flourishing faster than any other place, proved us. Feedback by students were awesome and many of them were die heart impressed by FOSS. But as we have planned for a week we had 5 more days to go.
So the next day it was the day called "Drupaldum". We simply want to make our talks interesting so we choose the topics which a normal student might be interested in. And here comes an idea about web designings and Drupal seemed to be a best example how we can work collaboratively. A complete talk about Drupal installation and workings was given and made students familiar about the web.
This was about two days working of the group. Different people from group arranged very nice and interactive talks under LUGB. The week covered each and every aspect about FOSS from software development to Hardware interfacing. Into Hardware section my colleagues make student aware about arduino , beaglebot etc.
So thus complete week was full of fun and freedom. Lugb is recently working with Mr. Shyam Sunder Jiyani the man who claimed his name twice into Limca Book of world Records for planting more then 2 lakh plants in a sort interval of time.
At last , It was a nice week for me to work for LUGB as well as FOSS. Me myself completely in love with FOSS and working with Drupal from last eight months.
So that was all about my last week which I called A week under free flamboyancy.
cheers !!
Friday, February 12, 2010
वो बचपन के दिन याद बहुत आते है ...

रह रह कर होटों पर गुदगुदाती हंसी छोड़ जाते है ,
वो teacher का डर और तमाशा चुटकी भर,
याद बहुत आता है ,
वो lunch time का wait करना और wait करते करते class मे ही सो जाना ,
उठने पर कान पकडे पाना,
और इस सब के बाद भी टूट टूट कर खाना खाना ,
याद बहुत आता है ,
आधी छुट्टी आधा काम पूरी छुट्टी पूरा काम , सब कहने भर की थी बाते,
अब तो बस ये जुमले बस याद ही कर पाते,
primary classes के वो बहाने सच मानो नहीं आसान थे बनाने,
सब risk का होता था खेल एक गलती और सब मतियामैल,
उन दिनों तो बस एक sunday हुआ करता था जो अपना सा लगता था,
monday को तो calender से मानो हटाने को मन मचलता था ,
न जाने कहा गये वो दिन यही सवाल आजकल रहता है आम,
सही कहते थे माँ पापा हमें नहीं करना पड़ता कोई काम,
आज हम college मे आ गये और सरकार की नज़र मे उम्र के नए प्रकार हो गये ,
पर माँ पापा की नज़र आज भी हमे वही दिन याद दिलाती है ,
मन मे नयी उमंग जलाती है ,
कुछ कर गुजरने का होसला दिलाती है ,
वरना इस भीड़ भरी राहों पर हम कब के खो गये होते,
अगर ये यादे और माँ पापा आप नहीं होते ,
दोस्तों का साथ तो बिन मांगे ही मिल जाता है ,
सच मानो ये दूसरा वो रिश्ता है जो अपना कहलाता है ,
फिर भी बचपन बचपन होता है ,
इश्वर की तरफ से इस दुनिया मे आने की खुशी मे मीठी सोगात होता है ,
आज जब इश्वर को धन्यवाद करते है,
तो वो बचपन के दीप फिर जल उठते है ,
और वो बचपन के दिन बहुत याद आते है |
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Valentine's Day with Big Cats...
Ohh.. so tiger looked like this ?...This may be common quote by new generation of the world watching a tiger picture after a few years. Yeah it's a very drastic scenario that we are loosing our national animal so harshly.
Currently the countries of the world are on the way of the development, development like changing world into modern and more facilitate environment such as growing of construction business. Each and every country weather developed or developing is in a race targeting industrialization and why not they do so... we want our country listed in top most powerful developed countries , But not on the cost of harming nature.
From the very first line and obviously from title of the post you get understand what about this post is. Yeah this post is about the decreasing number of tiger through out the world and now it's a high time to think out of the box about saving these animals.Tigers are on the threshold of extinction. According to WWF, Tigers are amongst the ten most endangered species in the world. Media is one of the most important pillar of a democrat country that's why perhaps WWF-India has partnered with Aircel, one of India's leading telecommunications companies in the launch of 'Save our tigers' media campaign.
At the turn of the 20th century, according to sources, India had an estimated 40,000 tigers in the wild. In 2002, based on pug mark census, this number was 3,642. As per the monitoring exercise by Wildlife Institute of India in association with National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA), Government of India using camera traps, in 2008 we were left with only 1,411 tigers. This number is so small that they will be gone soon if we don t wake up to the crisis.
Why we save them ?
This question is obvious when we are talking about such an animal who is well known for its furious nature. A wild animal who can never be pet. so why do we save such an animal who is itself dangerous for human being.
The point is not weather an animal is pet or do not harm human being,this time the point is to save our nature,to save our environment and tigers are a high level helper to maintain our ecosystem well balanced.
Not only is tiger a beautiful animal but it is also the indicator of the forest's health. Saving the tiger means we save the forest since tiger cannot live in places where trees have vanished and in turn secure food and water for all.With one tiger, we protect about a 100 sq. km of forest. Tiger is a charismatic animal , this is not only the reason to save this animal but
1) Tiger is India's National animal.
2) Tigers plays an important and pivotal role to maintain ecosystem well balanced and healthy.
3) A top predator who maintains food chain by checking the herbivorous prey population.
What to do now ?
This is now a high time to take some undiluted action regarding this issue. Some geek ideas can only save these animals as well as environment.
In India the Tiger Preserves are called Tiger Parks and they are all related through a massive conservation effort called 'Project Tiger'. India has a number of Tiger Parks but few of them are the most exciting destinations, and probably the most well known. These Tiger Parks are:
- Ranthambore
- Kanha
Vanishing Species - Helping Endangered and Neglected Wild Animals. Adopt a Cub Today. Vanishing Species serves a sanctuary to over 300 animals including tigers, lions, leopards, cougars, servals, bobcats, bears, wolves, alligators, snakes, monkeys, and more.
So finally concluding my this session I just want to plead everyone as well as myself we take some geek steps to save our National as well as an ecosystem sever. Since tiger is indirectly connected to us so saving tiger we are just saving ourselves. :)-Bandhavgarh

Vanishing Species - Helping Endangered and Neglected Wild Animals. Adopt a Cub Today. Vanishing Species serves a sanctuary to over 300 animals including tigers, lions, leopards, cougars, servals, bobcats, bears, wolves, alligators, snakes, monkeys, and more.
So celebrate this valentine's Day a little bit different and spare some roses for these Big Cats and join the Big Cat Rescue team.
A very Happy Valentine's day to all my viewers.
Have a great day to you all.
Cheers !! :)
big cat rescue,
big cats,
save tiger,
valentine's day,
Saturday, January 23, 2010
India moves towards uniqueness
Hello friends !!
In India inability to prove identity is one of the most common and serious problems preventing the poor accessing the real benefits and subsidies provided to them. According to National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) study which states that there are close to 2.3 crore ‘ghost’ public which is unnecessary benefited by government and more importantly there are close to 1.21 crore ‘deserving’ poor who are deprived of the government benefits.

To overcome this problem Unique Identification Number (UID) is a recently finalized initiative by the Government of India under the supervision of co-chairman of IT giant Infosys Mr. Nandan Nilekani to create and manage a centralized identification system for all the adult citizens and residents of India. By the help of this initiative every Indian citizen is planed to give a long alphanumeric unique number string which can be used for various purposes.
Studying about this initiative lots of queries generates in ones mind.
1) Why this initiative so necessary?
2) Does India first through out the glob to start this initiative?
3) What other countries have done?
4) Is there no weak point of this project?
5) What can be the alternate of this project?
and so on....
In the following post I am going to discuss all these points.
1) Why this initiative so necessary?
There are several reasons behind this initiative so important.One of them is unique identification.Each and every Indian citizen can be recognised uniquely.Another one is overcome the problem of carrying different identification proves as this can be served for various purposes.Reducing redundancy of data is an another key point supporting this project.Besides this the centralised information hub will create a top level integrity.This can be beneficial in improving national security after 26/11.There is graphic representation of national identity number functions.

2) Does India first through out the glob to start this initiative?
Certainly not India is not the first initiating this project before India Argentina,Austria,Belgium,Brazil,France,Germany and lot of countries successfully following this identification process. Success of this project depends on the 'efficiency' of the project rather than 'effective'.We have recently 1.12 billion population second largest in world and an ‘efficient’ enrolment model would require lining up 1 billion people at least.
3) What other countries have done?
UID is used by the government of several countries to track their citizens for the purposes of taxation, government benefits, health care and other functions. Apparently, most of the countries issued citizen ID numbers for a single purpose, but over time, it has become a de facto national identification number. An example of this would be the Social Security Number (SSN) in United States of America – it was initially issued to track the disbursement of social benefits, but now, SSN is mandatorily required for, among other things, opening bank accounts or obtaining driving license. But still, United States does not officially have a UID.
In Argentina the only nationally issued identification is the DNI, Documento Nacional de Identidad (National Identity Document).This ID is required for most things, for example applying for credit, opening a bank account, and even for voting. Law requires a person to show his DNI when using a credit card. Prior to the DNI the LC (Libreta Cívica, for women), and LE (Libreta de Enrolamiento, for men) were used.
The Austrian Social Security Number (SSN) is a well-established identifier, and would identify in theory every Austrian citizen. Its format is a 3-digit serial number, a check sum digit and the birth date in an DDMMYY-notation.
In Belgium every citizen has a National Number, which is created by using the citizen's date of birth (encoded in six digits), followed by a serial number (three digits) and a check sum (two digits). The serial number is used so that men get the odd numbers, while women get the even numbers; thus, there can be only 500 men or women on each day.
4) Is there no weak point of this project?
In spite of all these benefits of the project there is some weak point of this project as this project is very cost effective.The Government had allocated Rs 100 crore in the interim Budget to start up this project.The overall cost estimated for the project is likely to be in excess of Rs 10,000 Crore . Centralizing a commons server of information is a serious challenge itself.In any case of crashing or any non happening can be caused harmful effects.
5) What can be the alternate of this project?
Since the project is much cost sensitive but beneficial too,to drop the project on the basis of cost is not an intelligent task.Rather we can find some other ways as an alternate of this project. As we know in India RVPP (Ration card,Voter id,PAN card and Passport) are the most used source of identification.We can reuse all these sources in a well maintained and integrated manner which can cut the cost at much lower level.
So concluding the post I feel that every new technology have some bugs or rather we should say everything has its own pros and cons. Might be in early stage this initiative fail (we never hope this) but overall it's a remarkable move of government of India towards a bright future. I wish this project over as soon as possible with its full success.
In India inability to prove identity is one of the most common and serious problems preventing the poor accessing the real benefits and subsidies provided to them. According to National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) study which states that there are close to 2.3 crore ‘ghost’ public which is unnecessary benefited by government and more importantly there are close to 1.21 crore ‘deserving’ poor who are deprived of the government benefits.
To overcome this problem Unique Identification Number (UID) is a recently finalized initiative by the Government of India under the supervision of co-chairman of IT giant Infosys Mr. Nandan Nilekani to create and manage a centralized identification system for all the adult citizens and residents of India. By the help of this initiative every Indian citizen is planed to give a long alphanumeric unique number string which can be used for various purposes.
Studying about this initiative lots of queries generates in ones mind.
1) Why this initiative so necessary?
2) Does India first through out the glob to start this initiative?
3) What other countries have done?
4) Is there no weak point of this project?
5) What can be the alternate of this project?
and so on....
In the following post I am going to discuss all these points.
1) Why this initiative so necessary?
There are several reasons behind this initiative so important.One of them is unique identification.Each and every Indian citizen can be recognised uniquely.Another one is overcome the problem of carrying different identification proves as this can be served for various purposes.Reducing redundancy of data is an another key point supporting this project.Besides this the centralised information hub will create a top level integrity.This can be beneficial in improving national security after 26/11.There is graphic representation of national identity number functions.
2) Does India first through out the glob to start this initiative?
Certainly not India is not the first initiating this project before India Argentina,Austria,Belgium,Brazil,France,Germany and lot of countries successfully following this identification process. Success of this project depends on the 'efficiency' of the project rather than 'effective'.We have recently 1.12 billion population second largest in world and an ‘efficient’ enrolment model would require lining up 1 billion people at least.
3) What other countries have done?
UID is used by the government of several countries to track their citizens for the purposes of taxation, government benefits, health care and other functions. Apparently, most of the countries issued citizen ID numbers for a single purpose, but over time, it has become a de facto national identification number. An example of this would be the Social Security Number (SSN) in United States of America – it was initially issued to track the disbursement of social benefits, but now, SSN is mandatorily required for, among other things, opening bank accounts or obtaining driving license. But still, United States does not officially have a UID.
In Argentina the only nationally issued identification is the DNI, Documento Nacional de Identidad (National Identity Document).This ID is required for most things, for example applying for credit, opening a bank account, and even for voting. Law requires a person to show his DNI when using a credit card. Prior to the DNI the LC (Libreta Cívica, for women), and LE (Libreta de Enrolamiento, for men) were used.
The Austrian Social Security Number (SSN) is a well-established identifier, and would identify in theory every Austrian citizen. Its format is a 3-digit serial number, a check sum digit and the birth date in an DDMMYY-notation.
In Belgium every citizen has a National Number, which is created by using the citizen's date of birth (encoded in six digits), followed by a serial number (three digits) and a check sum (two digits). The serial number is used so that men get the odd numbers, while women get the even numbers; thus, there can be only 500 men or women on each day.
4) Is there no weak point of this project?
In spite of all these benefits of the project there is some weak point of this project as this project is very cost effective.The Government had allocated Rs 100 crore in the interim Budget to start up this project.The overall cost estimated for the project is likely to be in excess of Rs 10,000 Crore . Centralizing a commons server of information is a serious challenge itself.In any case of crashing or any non happening can be caused harmful effects.
5) What can be the alternate of this project?
Since the project is much cost sensitive but beneficial too,to drop the project on the basis of cost is not an intelligent task.Rather we can find some other ways as an alternate of this project. As we know in India RVPP (Ration card,Voter id,PAN card and Passport) are the most used source of identification.We can reuse all these sources in a well maintained and integrated manner which can cut the cost at much lower level.
So concluding the post I feel that every new technology have some bugs or rather we should say everything has its own pros and cons. Might be in early stage this initiative fail (we never hope this) but overall it's a remarkable move of government of India towards a bright future. I wish this project over as soon as possible with its full success.
Nandan Nilekan,
Unique identification number
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Google,China and lots of hacks !!!
Hi friends !!
From past few days Google vs China war has been the limelight of every news paper, blog and even technical sites. The famous claim by google that it has been attacked and not only google but also twenty other large companies from worldwide been targeted whereas China's response over this that it was itself been attacked.
From China point of view if we see its censorship is known to everyone. Filtering google.cn result as Chinese government rules is from 2006 when google.cn search engines started in China. China supports this arguing google spreads pornography and citing their "social responsibilities" towards nation but reality is known to everyone.
Google still adamant over its decision to pull out of china. There are two sides to debate over this matter as where one appreciating google's decision on other hand other one justifying this as Google done this because it never been a popular search engine in giant C. It's Baidu which is more popular than google. Data itself dipicts this-
But all n all God knows what's the reality. Google is superior but it should also known not in communist states. In the era of free net google's this step can be applauded but with China it's really a matter of consideration. Google's threat to pull out of China has ignited debate among Chinese people, divided between a thirst for free-flowing information and nationalist rancour against foreign criticism. Thus in China also google's this step somewhere is been applauded.
From the point of technology it's a dark side of this dispute. As being a reputed search engine Google should consider this matter seriously where as China 'the technocracy' should be commanded over these type of acts and be assure not to be happened again. :)
Best Regards !!
From past few days Google vs China war has been the limelight of every news paper, blog and even technical sites. The famous claim by google that it has been attacked and not only google but also twenty other large companies from worldwide been targeted whereas China's response over this that it was itself been attacked.
From China point of view if we see its censorship is known to everyone. Filtering google.cn result as Chinese government rules is from 2006 when google.cn search engines started in China. China supports this arguing google spreads pornography and citing their "social responsibilities" towards nation but reality is known to everyone.
Google still adamant over its decision to pull out of china. There are two sides to debate over this matter as where one appreciating google's decision on other hand other one justifying this as Google done this because it never been a popular search engine in giant C. It's Baidu which is more popular than google. Data itself dipicts this-
But all n all God knows what's the reality. Google is superior but it should also known not in communist states. In the era of free net google's this step can be applauded but with China it's really a matter of consideration. Google's threat to pull out of China has ignited debate among Chinese people, divided between a thirst for free-flowing information and nationalist rancour against foreign criticism. Thus in China also google's this step somewhere is been applauded.
From the point of technology it's a dark side of this dispute. As being a reputed search engine Google should consider this matter seriously where as China 'the technocracy' should be commanded over these type of acts and be assure not to be happened again. :)
Best Regards !!
google vs baidu,
Thursday, January 7, 2010
A Movie called 3-Idiots
Hello friends...
A warm hearted welcome to you all. Well that's my second post of this year and thanks to God what a sizzling start of the year. People were celebrating and me kidnapped by the text books. Ahhh.... but now this all is about to over. Again thanks to God !! :)
In the mean while me engaged in exams lots of happening happened. Some of were really nice and some of were unfortunately heart breaking. Say for an example India lost its first Tri series match with Sri-Lanka. As well as a new movie called 3-Idiots released,directed by Mr. Rajkumar Hirani a very well known personalty of India,produced by Mr. Vidhi Vinod Chopra. Really a fantastic movie but unfortunately I watched it yesterday only.
Movie , about three friends and their Engineering life shooted at IIMB campus. As the Engineering life well known for its activities so as depicted through out the movie. The adventures,the friendship,the love at first site and yeah obviously the Chronicles of Engineering. The story is just revolving around all that stuff but why then it's named as 3-idiots?
It's probably named as so because it's the story of three friends who just met first time at campus hostel during ragging and get so fast to each other that no one can forget anyone. The three scholar guys who were pronounced as idiots but were the real champ. Through out a brief summery don't think the story is little bit dull in taste. It has so much laughings that you can probably laugh at your guts. :)
What I personally liked through out the movie was the song lyrics,the cinematography and the friendship among them. The whole story is so weaved that you never get it dull at any turn of the movie. The script which tend us to think for a while plays seriously a vital roll. The ending of the movie proves each and every quotes and thoughts. Teaching from the movie is you should always be confident about you and to chase excellence success will defiantly chase you. :)
So that's all about the movie but wait... have I missed something or someone ?
yeah you are right... the "FIVE POINT SOMEONE". The something is the controversy about this movie script credit and the someone is my all time favourite writer Mr. Chetan Bhagat. The controversy about the script credit has now been solved but the smoke can be seen still now. I want to say one thing about this controversy that I like the comment by Chetan Bhagat that the only who had read FPS and watched the movie has right to comment his/her views.
yeah you are right... the "FIVE POINT SOMEONE". The something is the controversy about this movie script credit and the someone is my all time favourite writer Mr. Chetan Bhagat. The controversy about the script credit has now been solved but the smoke can be seen still now. I want to say one thing about this controversy that I like the comment by Chetan Bhagat that the only who had read FPS and watched the movie has right to comment his/her views.
What I think about this is that it's 100% wrong that the script is purely belongs to movie owners. Anyone who had ever read FPS can see the similarities and one thing is for sure it can't be a co-incident.
Another point I think is that FPS is purely based on Chetan's own life adventures and if any writer makes any amendments to hide those scenes or to make it bit impracticable then it can never purely belongs to them. Yeah in my point of view the story is made a little bit impracticable.
And that was not enough people calling it publicity stunt for Chetan , oh my God. Do they really in this world !!
So lastly it's really surprising and non acceptable thing for me that movie owners claiming the script purely to them.
And that was not enough people calling it publicity stunt for Chetan , oh my God. Do they really in this world !!
So lastly it's really surprising and non acceptable thing for me that movie owners claiming the script purely to them.
chetan bhagat,
Movie Review
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year
Hello friends !!
I wish you all a very happy and prosperous 2010.May God give you joys and happiness through out the coming year.
May God fulfil all of your dreams and give you a full bright future.
I wish to write from a long time but due to my semester exams I can't. Sorry for that.
Exams are still going on that's so amazing that this year I celebrated New year surrounding with books and my notes.
Just forget about that.These are the daily routine life.
So finally we have entered into 2010.That's so exciting, isn't that. So many new year resolutions,gift,parties and obviously new technologies. From now mobile number portability facility. oops !! I am sorry there is a braking news for us number portability facility is postponed for four month.That's really sad but the most bad news might be will this number portability facility be implemented,as some of Telecom operators find this proposal not benefited for them.God knows what will happen. But one thing is sure that these technologies are really awesome.
Sorry friends today I can't write much as I have mentioned above but promise you all after my exams I will come back. So for that time good bye and keep enjoying this new year.
Best Regards !! :)
Happy New Year,
number partability
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