Sunday, May 15, 2011

The last few things

"The last few things, things forever"

I don't know who said these words or had said ever but these words just popped up into my mind when I was thinking about the post. These are the days or I should say last few days of my graduation life. Everyone around me is as crazy as I am. Some composing friendship songs for his/her friend. Some just stumbling upon facebook and twitter to show their sentiments and some who has nothing to do (like me) is just scratching his head over these last few things. We are partying, we are hanging out with friends, we are nostalgic but this is all about life.

Most of the time I realize the curiousness about the last few moment in our life is more than than about the first few. Children curious about the last day of their school more than the first day. People like to see the last sight of the sun (sunset) more than the first (dawn). We are more curious about the final results than the initial preparation. It's human tendency that we want to live our future and we get to know that there is an end in near future we want to make that moment immortal. But these last days are more scarier than the first day.

Last moments are never easy to handle. Sometimes it's like an unknown feeling that makes us more confuse about our plans. We don't know whether we are happy or sad, exited or nervous, clear or vague about things. A very simple example, I often see my youngsters even experienced the condition, when we are in examination hall. We know it as exam phobia. These are the last few moments we are thinking about future, how my performance would be. It's really never easy.

Through out our college life we spend some quality time with our friends but last moment is like we were living in a house as a paying guest, we used things, some of them became a part of our life and finally we have to move to another city and leaving those things for others. But we enjoy these moments. This enjoyment is amorphous but relations are not. We not only spend few moments together, we actually share few moments of our life with some special people and perhaps this is the reason why we love these last few things so much. :-)

Cheers !!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Authenticity is directly proportional to Goodwill

It's going to be a very quick post because of some time constraints. Actually it was going to be a tweet before but hard luck twitter, you just allow me to sum this up in 140 letters, but it's not that quick too.

From my childhood, we are being taught about authenticity and goodwill in concern of a person, in concern of an organisation. At that time it seemed to be little impractical. We hardly notice these notions more than just another english words, but now it feels immense sense in these words. Your authenticity in work pays you in form of your nice goodwill in market, your trust in your customers and life long credibility. We can say the more you are authentic, the higher is your goodwill bar. Authenticity never comes in a day. It depends on your work. One day when I was talking to my friend searching for some fund raising for his work, I feel that it's true.

Actually this post is about another experience of my life related to local news channels. Being an MBA aspirant I often discuss with my friends about the Indian news channels' way of working, the kind of news telecast but today this was the day I felt this.

This was an another morning and at breakfast table as usual I switched on my T.V. It was a local news channel there telecasting the news about the death of Osama. I stopped there a while and listen to them what they were actually saying. It was really unbelievable news for me. Last night when I was on internet till 12 AM, there was no signs of this kind of news in air, what happened in few hours. I moved to BBC channel for the confirmation of news. The same telecast was going there too. At that point of time I found confirmed with the fact that 'Osama is really dead'.

Actually it was not my fault. Perhaps I am not the first person who has doubt over the credibility of local news channels' news. For the sake of TRP, for the sake of audience ENJOYMENT if you are compromising with your work, I would not allow it to my life and perhaps that's why I had to switch over to some really authenticated news channels for the confirmation of the news.

Cheers !!